First bloom of the season! |
Now, I've decided I'm gonna take inventory at the end of each month as a sort of journal. Things I've accomplished, highlights, garden progress, etc. Also a reflection of what I've learned and what I want to tackle next month. My hope is that this inspires you, dear reader, to do the same. To pause and reflect, to give thanks and to adjust to what's changed: a way to appreciate this life!
So here's my Top Ten for March on my little home-front:
- Early growth in a great many things. All the perennials and shrubs are going crazy. Lilacs, blueberries, grapes, hosta, tulips, herbs. Even the roses are leafing out all the way up the stems; won't be surprised to see early buds, and full bushes this year -- provided we don't get a late blizzaster.
roses |
grapes |
- Moved my strawberries; they seem to be surviving! Hopefully they flower and we still get a good measure of fruit this year! I suspect I could make the 10x10' bed bigger; I have so many more strawberry plants. I planted rows 8" apart, and plants every 6" (recommendation is 2-3 plants per square foot, but the bed they were it was wall to wall strawberries, so I went somewhere in between).
They are all surviving -- debating putting even more in (there are plenty left) or just selling the rest at a garage sale this spring. This bed will be FULL by fall, either way. |
- Got most of my spring clean up done early, what a load off! Procrastination is a psychological enemy for me -- the longer I wait, the more apprehensive I am about doing something and the more stressed I get. Yeah for an early start and sunshine to motivate us!
These hosta were all planted from splitting a single over-grown plant a few years ago! I always love how it looks after I get the winter junk cleaned out! |
- Garden plan is made and seeds are started. May be tweaking the plan a little -- putting cukes outside the garden against our fence so we have more space within the garden for potatoes or corn. Still toying with that idea. My goal was to grow enough of each to sustain my family for the year. Started extra plants too with the prayer to be able to share them with others -- plant it forward! Tomato seeds are 2" tall and have 2nd set of leaves! 54 tomatoes started, 36 broccoli, 45 peppers, 45 various greens. Potatoes, beets, etc. go in as soon as it stays dry enough to till the garden. Blueberries, strawberries, salad, herbs, grapes, and pumpkins are all in separate areas throughout the yard.
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Aprx 40'x35', DH says we can always make it bigger too! red circles = tomatoes (3 types), various Ps at the upper right =peppers, B = green beans, Br = broccoli, R= rhubarb |
- Took the chicken class at our local nature center, as per the urban chicken ordinance here. Not sure when we'll get the birds, this year or next, but I'm excited about adding another level of self-sufficiency! DH wants to get a coop built before we get birds.
- My seedlings are getting taller, the garden is getting tilled (about half-way right now), and potatoes & beets are in the ground!
- Patched a round of boy-jeans. These boys go through knees like crazy. I try to have a few pairs that are nice, but the rest get patched rather than replaced. They are just playing in them anyway! DS2 says he likes the patches because they are fun and cool, and mommy made them! *swelling heart* Also fixed a pair of shoes with my trusty hot glue gun. We don't throw it away until it's beyond help!
- Started a new out-of-the-house work-ish opportunity. No paycheck, but I love doing the work and have been very blessed by it! I had thought about a part-time paying job, now that DS1&2 are in school and DS3 is potty trained, but there were big neon signs directing me otherwise. This is just once a week and it's done wonders for my sanity, and my prayer life! The Lord made it very clear that I was to be concerned with the work I could do for others, not the paycheck. Bonus: it gives DS3 time alone with daddy and I'm home before DH goes to work - so no sitter required. I'm always amazed when God makes his will clear!
- Got into my music more than I have in a long time. I play viola (not violin) and have been slowly getting my muscle tone and technique back. I have found a whole new level of uplifting joy by playing through the hymnal -- I seldom play anything else now. It has literally squashed my irritability and depression. God is bigger than all my problems and Christ's blood was for my benefit -- a true mercy. There is something awesome about lifting up praise with words and music that have praised God for many generations, centuries in some cases!
- Got our taxes done and the desk/filing organized. Procrastinated that way too long, but I'm so glad it's done now!
So here's to our pleasant March Lamb (though that last day was a little lion-ish) and off to April we go!
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