April is drawing to a close, and I thought a garden tally was appropriate, for those of you wondering what to grow and when -- or just what I do with my day besides blogging and chasing boys. The unseasonable warmth had me put these things in a little early (some a week or so before normal), but I don't think it's too late to plant them yet. Just make sure they have enough water as it gets warmer. A partly shady garden spot will extend the growth of these plants, too, as it's cooler in the summer than the full-sun areas.
Potato plants coming up now. |
By the end of this April I have the following in my garden: 26
broccoli plants (some home-grown, others store-bought as my seedlings were very thin this year), 5 rows or
red potatoes (from last years stock), 2 rows of
yukon gold (purchased), 3 rows of
red onions (purchased), a square plot of
garlic (3 cloves), 5 rows of
beets, 5 rows of
carrots, and 8
cabbage plants (new this year). I have
pea seeds, but I'm still not getting my trellis figured out. Ideally I'd like a trellised entry over the gate, but that means buy ($$ no thanks) or adding another construction project. I'll have to keep noodling that one around.
Finally, it's a salad garden, instead
of strawberries! |
I'm looking forward to fresh salad and herbs. Some herbs are approaching bloom already -- insane early! The salad garden is just starting to pop out of the ground. I also have a salad bowl planter and a planter with chives next to the patio for quick-grabs.
I've staked off the peppers and tomatoes. Strawberries are blooming (early, I might add) and I don't have the heart to pluck the blooms like I'm supposed to -- I may just let them go and see what happens. Blueberries and grapes are in various stages of blooming, too. This will be our first year harvesting those.
This week was also spent transplanting plant starts so they will grow better. The tomatoes last Thursday (into peat pots a little bigger than the 9-pack seed starters). Peat pots are worth the expense to me because you don't disrupt the roots when planting in May. I did the same for the strawberries Tuesday and peppers yesterday (Wednesday). I'm growing for myself and a few friends. The leftovers will go in the garage sale for a few extra bucks.
Dog pen, soon to be chicken run. |
Chickens, foraging in the green grass. |
Our chickens were the big adventure of the month. They are about 4 weeks old and growing like crazy! The coop is coming along and boys are trying so very hard to be helpful. Eventually we will move the shed, clean out the seldom-used dog pen, put Tula's house and a tie out elsewhere in our yard (only to be used when we will be gone for most of the day), set up the coop and have those chickens outside. For now, they still spend their nights in the brooder box indoors and their days in a re-purposed kid-pen in the sunshine and grass.

Finally, it's always enjoyable to beautify the yard, too! The boys went around with the garden sheers and trimmed around beds and fixtures. I planted some pansies in hanging baskets and pots. I get a $15 budget for annuals (flowers) every year, only spent $11.20 and filled 4 planters and 3 hanging baskets. I could grow more flowers for the buck from scratch -- but without grow lights, some don't do as well. I'll be planting marigolds and sunflowers (leftover from previous years' seeds) in the main garden for varmint control and pollinator attraction. I have a few other potted annuals that were actually in the house over the winter -- one more way to save the bucks!
Miss Bateman Clematis (climber) |
Purple Leaf Sand Cherry (shrub) |
Just a glimpse of what's blooming, for posterity's sake: Clematis -- my Miss Bateman is blooming, but the Ville de Lyon (pink-red) and the purple/white one (the name escapes me) are not quite there yet -- just buds. The iris are just popping -- they are one of my faves -- especially the blue ones in my anniversary garden, as those were one of our wedding flowers. The roses are budding, but not open yet. The lilacs are just finishing (a month early!) My flower bushes in the front yard bloomed about two weeks ago and are now just a pretty red leaf.
Hanging baskets --
$2 planter, $1.24 in plants each |
Last month I made the point of setting a goal: to paint the picture for our bedroom. Nope -- didn't get it done. Guess I'll have to forward that to next month. I did do some creative things, including some gifts for others, finishing a 2-year crochet project, brainstormed a few ideas, and fixed a few pairs of shoes with my trusty hot glue -- that's a craft, right? In truth, I feel I get my creative edge when I dig and plant, too. I'm so blessed be able to get dirty and nurture the various life in and around our home. Being a mom is just kind of like that -- a little messy, but well worth the rewards!
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