So I'm always more ambitious than my lifestyle will often allow ~ at least with my creative pursuits. I like music, painting, yarn-crafting, creative gifts, trying new canning recipes, coming up with activities for the kiddos, etc. I don't always have time for them all -- it's been years since I've finished a crochet project bigger than a scarf or mittens. Honoring God and caring for my family is my first priority (or at least they should be -- it truth some days it's a struggle).
Yet, I'm reminded to take joy in what I can do -- and to gently ask my family to help make it possible for me to do so. I've learned that having some creative outlet can be therapeutic. And do you know who taught me this, most recently? My 5 year old, naturally ~ don't you know they are the philosophers of tomorrow? Now he doesn't necessarily say the most profound things every time, sometimes it's what he says and sometimes it's what he does.
Have you ever seen a kid play playdough all day, until there are crunchy pieces on the table and floor, awaiting the vacuum cleaner? His hands are dry and nasty, there may even be dough in nose or mouth. He says "Mom, I don't want to stop, we never play playdough." If you never do it, you will over-do it.
How often do we as parents (and even as grown-ups, really) put off the things that gave us joy (like music or art) for the more practical things that demand our attention? Then when we do get back to it we either a) are terribly out of practice, b) hobby ourselves to the point of burnout (like musicians with muscle tension or writers who start seeing blinking cursors in their sleep) or c) get frustrated when we are interrupted, throw a tantrum, and then give up for another year or two. Okay, maybe that last one was just me...
It's relaxing too, did you know? When you're in the zone of your craft or hobby, everything else seems to melt away. How do we seem to forget this part, caught up in our "too busy" lives? You can go from the 5 year old whining and stomping around *paint for 30 minutes* and voila! Instant joyfulness ~ even to the point of wanting to go outside and soak up some sunshine when he previously wanted to stay in and sulk. I think that one good mood leads to another.
I know when I'm fuming and ready to blow my mommy-top, an hour of music therapy changes my heart. I open the Hymnal and go. The focus is half the battle and all the joy. How can you be bitter and sour when you're worshiping? I also go for dirt therapy (this is a great one to do if you can't get away from the kids, because they likely want to go outside anyway, and may even help you). The mindlessness of it is good when I'm burnt out. Nothing like a little hard work to clear the head ~ even that can be joy! And nothing focuses me up more than looking down at how amazingly this world was created!
So moral of the story, don't neglect what you enjoy. I made that mistake for a while when my kiddos were very little. A little recreation is healthy for you (mind you, overkill is not *been guilty of that before*). Find a way to make it part of your life, without neglecting this calling of parenting (or job or mission). These gifts and callings are given to us for a reason ~ in EVERYTHING we do we should bring glory to the One who made us. Yes, this means diapers and dishes, a very hard thing to remember when you are in the trenches. But, it also means with your talents, too.
Do you think the Maker does not enjoy his creations? Does He look at a bloom and not anticipate it opening and following the sun -- living to it's fullest potential? He wants us to use everything He gives us. Sometimes it's very public, sometimes it's quiet and for others, and sometimes it's just for our own sanity. Always, it's part of His plan.
One last point on this subject: this can often be said for dads too, so don't take this as a cue to complain at your man, ladies, about wanting more time in your hobby. Find a way to get both of you some hobby/recreation time. I get a few days a week for music, he gets a few days a week for bike rides. I crochet while "watching" football with him. There are ways, believe me. It doesn't always work, but we're trying. Picking a fight over it is never worth what you accomplished, even if you did "win." There was a time I was sour about not getting "me" time, and trust me when I say, it gets you nothing except the blues.
Yup, so understand about how overdoing it can happen! Enjoy the insight of something that occurs without much thought.